Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Recipe for parenting an ADHD child

My husband and I both have Attention Deficit disorder. When we decided to have children we figured they would have it to some degree, I just don't think we were prepared for the challenges we have had to face. We were under the impression that because we each had been diagnosed with ADD that we would know how to help our children cope, if they had to deal with the same things we had to go through when we were growing up. What we did not anticipate, or I guess I should say I did not expect was the challenges I would face as a mother dealing with my own ADD issues trying to help my children deal with theirs. Technically we have only one child who has been diagnosed, but considering this particular disorder runs in families I expect to have the other two tested when they get older.

The struggles become more apparent when our daughter started school. We started getting reports from her teacher that our sweet little girl was having a hard time focusing in class, and what made matters worse were the challenges we faced at home with helping her do her homework. Although the amount of homework given could be completed in 30-40 minutes, it often took us several hours to complete, because we would both become so distracted. After struggling through Kindergarten and 1st grade with more stress than I could handle, we finally took her to a psychologist to have her tested. After several meetings answering tons of questions and filling out lots of paper work, our sweet lady was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and we were referred to someone who could prescribe some medication. To make a long story short, our sweet lady is now in the second grade and is currently taking a medication to help her focus, and her teacher reports there has been an improvement with our daughters attention in class. Her teacher also made the comment that our little sweetie seems happier.

What I have learned through this whole experience is, when you or your child struggles with ADD it can make life in your home very chaotic, but finding the right people to help, can make life a little better. Our daughter not only got on a medication that is helping her, but my husband and I were given the tools we needed to deal with our children in a more positive way, by focusing on the good things they do and praising them for positive behavior, while ignoring the annoying behavior. Life is not perfect, but it is definitely not as chaotic as it used to be, which makes it a little less stressful. It also gives me hope that I will be better prepared to help the other two.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Roasted, Cheese-Stuffed Peppers

PREP TIME: 5 min
COOK TIME: 15 min (varies)

These chiles are a favorite at our house. These add a flavorful addition to many of our grilled meals, especially as a topping to hamburgers, tacos, hot dogs, and sausages! Anaheim are among the most mild chilis, ideal for adding flavor, but without a lit of spicy heat.

Anaheim chilis (whole and fresh)
Pepper Jack cheese* (block, not shredded)

Prepare charcoal briquettes or preheat gas grill. Rinse peppers, and place on work surface. These chilis are slightly crescent shaped (like a banana). Orient the peppers so they curve upward, like little boats. Cut a slit in the side up the chilis facing upward, f

*The type of cheese used may be (and should be) adapted to compliment the pelleted of the meal, but we generally stick to Pepper Jack and Mozzarella. String cheese is very easy to work with, too.